Insightful Collection of Divorce Articles
Why Divorce Happens​
- For many men, a wife's request for divorce is the first awareness of trouble in the marriage.
3 Reasons Decades-Long Marriages End In Divorce
While midlife may be the time in which you are supposed to coast into your golden years, it’s also the time when life can present quite difficult circumstances.
Personal Considerations
Here's How to Salvage Your Sense of Self After a Divorce
The inability to accept and adapt to a new role -
7 Reasons a Divorce Coach Can Help
A divorce coach can help you understand important decisions you will have to make.
Who Takes Custody of Your Friends?
The fallout of divorce is never-ending, and other answers to difficult questions. -
Top 10 Tips for a Great Divorce
What if your divorce is the best part of your marriage? -
15 Hard Truths About Divorce
Even a good divorce takes you to bad places
Divorce and Children
Important Rules for Divorcing Parents
Rules regarding parenting children that each parent should at least be aware of and hopefully follow. -
Top 10 Tips for Divorcing Parents
Divorce does not have to be damaging to children -
A Bill of Rights for Kids of Divorce
Rules of the road for parenting after divorce
The Impact of Divorce on Young Children and Adolescents
Young children and adolescents can respond differently to divorce -
Managing Divorce and Children During the Holidays
Divorced with children? Not over it? Plus, it's the holidays. -
House Divided: Hate Thy Father
In an era of epic divorce battles, parents increasingly use kids to bash each other. Can a broken parent-child bond be restored? -
Breakup Backlash
Time will not heal all your children's wounds.
Legal Considerations​
Divorce Law Reference Tables by State
The Divorce Law Reference Tables state-specific laws and statutes that are pertinent to issues related to divorce. -
Dealing with the #1 Complaint About Divorce Lawyers
Things about divorce lawyers everyone should know
Divorce for Dummies
Understanding the Basics of Divorce Law
What is Divorce Mediation?
In mediation, you and your spouse meet with a neutral third party, the mediator, and with their help, you work through the issues you need to resolve so the two of you can end your marriage as amicably and cost-effective as possible.
Relationship Considerations
Avoiding the 12 Relationship Mistakes Women Make
We need to become aware of the blind spots in our relationships. -
5 Ways To Embrace Ending Relationships
I've had relationships I thought would last my whole life, but life surprised me. -
A Message From the Head of the Broken Heart Club
"Hey, you're here. You've arrived. Don't be ashamed. You're in for quite the journey back to wholeness. It gets better. I promise. You're not alone, toots. You're not alone."
Maintaining Your Health
How to Heal From a Divorce
Divorce involves stages of recovery and the process takes time, whether or not you wanted the divorce. -
Rediscovering your Sexuality After Divorce
Discover how to reconnect with your sexuality after divorce
Divorce Coaching - What it Offers You
A divorce coach not only acts as your coach through the difficult journey of divorce but is a key person in your support system during and after your divorce.
Managing Anger
Dealing With Anger
Techniques to manage anger in yourself and others
Teaching Your Adolescent About Anger
In the curriculum of family life, parents should include the topic of anger
Internet Ranting and the Myth of Catharsis
Why ranting and venting are terrible ways of handling anger
How To Cope With Anger
With a proper understanding of anger, we are able to eliminate it from our lives.
Anger management: What works and what doesn't
Discusses research on effective and ineffective approaches for managing anger.
Ten Commandments of Anger Regulation
Benevolent prayer as an effective form of emotional regulation